Monday, February 27, 2012


So this year is already going by fast. Maybe it's just because this semester is so busy. In April the sophomore review will be happening for design majors and we'll see who will go and who will stay. I think I'm safe, but it never hurts to be over prepared.
This semester is really hectic with all the tests and papers I have to do. I have at least one test each week, except for the week before spring break. I spent a lot of time at the coffee shop studying so far this semester. It's paying off too, all A's on my first round of tests. (Except Astronomy I should say but a 75% equals an A. So my 76% means I got an A.)
Since my last post, I got a job working for the O'Colly as a cartoonist and I also was hired to work at a Boy Scout camp this summer. It'll be interesting but I'm sure it'll be fun. (crossing my fingers to teach the ceramics merit badge)
Tonight after cov, I'm educating my Phamily with Pride & Prejudice (2005). I love that movie.

Here are some pictures from what I've been up to.